Packages changed:
kmod (30 -> 31)
python-pytz (2023.3 -> 2023.3.post1)
vim (9.0.1894 -> 9.0.2043)
=== Details ===
==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi
- Fix detection of encrypted disk's uuid in powerpc to cope with logical disks
when signed image installation is specified (bsc#1216075)
* 0003-grub-install-support-prep-environment-block.patch
- grub2.spec: Add support to unlocking multiple encrypted disks in signed
grub.elf image for logical disks
==== kmod ====
Version update (30 -> 31)
Subpackages: kmod-bash-completion libkmod2
- Fix tests
* refresh configure-Detect-openssl-sm3-support.patch
* refresh kmod-Add-pkgconfig-file-with-kmod-compile-time-confi.patch
* refresh usr-lib-modules.patch
- Update to release 31
* Allow passing a path to modprobe so the module is loaded from
anywhere from the filesystem.
* Use in-kernel decompression if available.
* depmod learned a `-o
` option to allow using a separate
output directory.
- Delete depmod-Introduce-outdir-option.patch,
==== python-pexpect ====
- add 742.patch, gh#pexpect/pexpect#742 This makes it compatible with
python3.12 gh#pexpect/pexpect#736#issuecomment-1427273882
==== python-pytz ====
Version update (2023.3 -> 2023.3.post1)
- Update to 2023.3.post1
* Replace deprecated datetime.utcfromtimestamp()
* Resurrect Python 2.7 tests
* Add support for Python 3.12
- Drop pytz-%{version}.tar.gz.asc and python-pytz.keyring
* PyPI hides the .asc files and wants to drop the support
* related:
==== vim ====
Version update (9.0.1894 -> 9.0.2043)
Subpackages: vim-data vim-data-common vim-small xxd
- Update to version 9.0.2043
* Vim9: issue with funcref assignmentand varargs
* Test_cq_zero_exmode fails without channel feature
* trim(): hard to use default mask
* include syntax script for json5 (#13356)
* trim(): hard to use default mask
* completion shows current word after completion restart
* Vim9: object method funcref not cleaned up after use
* A few remaining cmdline completion issues with C-E/Y
* if_python: rework python3.12 build dependency
* [security] use-after-free with wildmenu
* don't try to copy SMACK attribute, when none exist
* gcc overflow-warning for f_resolve
* Fix more typos (#13354)
* cannot get mouse click pos for tab or virt text
* correct / behavior in 'wildmenu' (#13336)
* TextChangedI may be triggered by non-insert mode change
* no max callback recursion limit
* Vim9: no support for partials using call()
* confusing build dependencies
* Vim9: no support for bitwise operators in lambda funcs
* win32: python3 dll loading can be improved
* no cmdline completion for ++opt args
* no filetype detection for Debian sources
* need more tests for :cq
* getmousepos() returns wrong index for TAB char
* Coverity complains about change in charset
* Update Serbian messages translation (#13324)
* Update ftplugin (#13327)
* Vim9: islocked() needs more work
* Improve command-line completion docs (#13331)
* Vim9: no support for funcrefs
* complete_info() returns wrong index
* linebreak applies for leading whitespace
* Vim9: assignment operators don't work for class vars
* Vim9: does not handle islocked() from a method correctly
* confusing ifdefs in if_.c
* Unicode tables outdated
* Vim9: error message can be more accurate
* INI files not detected
* [security] use-after-free from buf_contents_changed()
* cmdline-completion for comma-separated options wrong
* test: undofile left behind
* Vim9: covariant parameter types allowed
* Vim9: need more tests
* partially revert patch v9.0.1997
* Missing test file
* xxd: compilation warning
* make command name for &iskeywordprg more unique (#13297)
* Vim9: need cleanup of class related interface code
* updated translation of xxd manpage
* Vim9: segfault with islocked()
* Vim9: use-after-free in deep call stack
* Update ftplugin (#13213)
* Vim9: some error messages can be improved
* xxd: cannot reverse a bit dump
* Some unused code in move.c and string.c
* remove E1520 tag (#13289)
* Cannot build with python312
* Update vim9class help (#13292)
* Invalid memory access with empty 'foldexpr'
* inconsistent feature description
* warning about unused function definition
* [security] segfault in exmode
* no cmdline completion for setting the font
* strange error number
* diff (`df`) may open the wrong window (#13275)
* Update `.netrwbook` immediately on bookmark change (#13276)
* revert permission changes for xxd manpages again (#13277)
* Vim9: double error message given
* Vim9: potential use-after-free for class members
* win32: font-size calculation can be improved
* Update Serbian messages translation (#13282)
* Vim9: accepting type-annotations
* Correct filetype detection pattern and style (#13284)
* scrolling inactive window not possible with cursorbind
* error when trying to :bd unloaded buffer
* vim9: clean up from v9.0.1955
* not being able to scroll up in diff mode
* win32: issues with stable python ABI
* No filetype detection for just files
* Vim9: object members can change type
* update translation of xxd manpage
* update xxd manpage and mention $NO_COLOR env
* fix two typos in `vim9.txt` and `options.txt` (#13258)
* remove E1507 help tag, which is no longer used (#13254)
* style: space before tab in optionstr.c
* xattr: permission-denied errors on write
* Update Russian message translation to Vim 9.0.1968 (#13239)
* add missing error numbers in the help. (#13241)
* mention how to disable folding in diff mode (#13242)
* vim9: using contra-variant type-checks
* Clean up cmdline option completion code
* win32: missing '**' expansion test
* macOS: FEAT_SOUND guard too restrictive
* win32: high-dpi support can be improved
* [security] buffer-overflow in trunc_string()
* cmdline completion should consider key option
* xattr errors not translated
... changelog too long, skipping 96 lines ...